Join the blue-collar workforce today and come toil in a non-union, non-paid shift at Bulb Shipping & Moving Co.! (Bulb Shipping & Moving Co. is not liable for any damages and/or death sustained onsite due to negligence and/or intentional harm caused by any of the Bulb Shipping & Moving Co. employees.) By taking this job, you are waiving your right to unionize. Not in a legal sense, because you legally still can unionize, but if you do, we'll probably break both your legs-- hence the previous warning. To be perfectly blunt with you, this quote unquote  "moving company" is a mafia front, and we need warm bodies onsite incase the feds start poking around our quote unquote "federally illegal criminal enterprise". You are the last thing standing between us and a RICO case the size of my nana's seafood salad on Easter Sunday, and she makes a lot of seafood salad. We set up some balls and some hoops and furniture and whatnot for you to fool around with so that you can look busy for the feds, so get out there and have fun-- but not too much fun, as to arouse the suspicion of any onlooking federal entities. Good luck, and if anyone suspicious asks, Bulb Shipping & Moving Co. is a legitimate business--and if you tell anyone different, they'll be finding pieces of you in four separate dumpsters.


W,A,S,D: Movement

Space: Jump

Left Click/E: Pick up item (Hint: You can pick up other objects besides balls.)

Right Click/R: Throw item

Shift (while walking): Sprint

Esc: Exit game

Z: Reset game


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game sucks!!!!